Becoming An Organized and Structured College Student

The life of a college student can be extremely busy and overwhelming, especially with today’s virtual learning environments. Let’s be honest; it is tough to remember every single assignment deadline, class schedule, and countless Zoom meetings. For this reason, it is essential to maintain as much structure and organization as possible. Now you may be wondering how this can all be accomplished. Well, we have identified five necessary and imperative tips that will help you master the life of an organized and structured college student.
Organize Your Space
The first tip on our list is to organize your space. Now, this may seem like an unnecessary step and an impossible one to do when you have so many papers, pens, and notes scattered all over the place; however, it is one of the most important tips to follow. In order for you to be able to concentrate in your college classes, your brain needs to adjust itself to a school setting even though you may be in your bedroom, a library, or at a local coffee shop. A simple way to start organizing your space is to have a clean and organized desk. Doing this will allow you to have more room for yourself and any school supplies that you may need at the time of class or at the time of studying for an exam. In addition to this, having an uncluttered area will allow you to feel more comfortable and calm while you take on your day as a college student. It also goes without saying that being organized in your area will prevent any unnecessary distractions.
Structure Your Day
The second suggestion on our list is to structure your day as much as possible. It is essential to know that structure goes beyond simply keeping an organized schedule on your Google Calendar or planner. Although planners and calendars are a lifesaver for university life, it is crucial to keep in mind all the other efforts that can be taken to add more structure to your daily life. These efforts that add to your life’s structure all remain within the realm of establishing routines. This means establishing a set time to wake up, sleep, eat lunch, have dinner, and most importantly, establish a set amount of work hours per day. Our bodies work a lot more efficiently when having a consistent, structured schedule, which is why it is very important to be constant with the times that you wake up, go to sleep, and eat your meals. But most importantly, your body and brain need an overall balance. It is detrimental to spend your entire morning and night only getting schoolwork or studying done. Following a schedule as such will only lead to academic burnout and tiredness and can harm your academic life and performance.
Prepare Yourself
The next tip that we have for you is to take some time to prepare yourself to take class and get any school work done. An effortless way to do this includes getting fully ready for the day. Although it is tough to fully get out of our comfy pajamas sometimes, changing into an actual outfit or getting dressed as if you were going to in-person classes helps. This will prevent you from rolling out of bed just in time for your first class or Zoom meeting or from feeling tempted to jump back into bed throughout the day. Another tip that goes hand in hand with getting yourself ready is starting your day with things you enjoy. It can be as simple as eating your favorite breakfast or making yourself the coffee or tea that you want in the morning. Doing simple yet beneficial things allows you to start your day with a smile and be excited to tackle all the things you have on your to-do list.
Be Active
Up next on our list, we have to be active. This one is common but worth addressing. Letting out some stress while running, lifting, doing yoga, or simply stretching will give you the energy that you need to finish off your day strong. After being in front of a screen for an entire day, getting some breaks from the screen is very important. You should not feel guilty setting aside an hour to get some active time in. Many college students also like to get their active time in early in the morning. Doing so allows many students to start their days bright and alert. Regardless if it is in the morning, midday, or afternoon, you should incorporate it within your schedule. Trust me, your body and mind will thank you for taking the time to take a break.
Maintain a Social Life
Last but not least, we have to maintain a social life. You may not realize it, but friends and classmates can bring a lot of structure into your life. Making plans to have dinner, go for a walk, grab a coffee, or study together, allows you to be more effective with your daily routine. Having your schedule booked during that time will make you want to work harder and faster to finish assignments or classwork before hanging out with them. In addition to helping you become more organized and structured, having social interactions with other college students allows you to catch a break from being in class all day and alone in your room. Talking to individuals experiencing the same virtual college classes, workload, and stress allows you to express yourself freely and make you feel better about yourself. It can be tough to keep up with friends with such a busy schedule, but it is definitely worth it.
That’s It!
These tips and recommendations may sound relatively easy and common, but they do take time to fully grasp and master. Do not feel overwhelmed or stressed to implement all of the tips right away. But if you slowly start implementing them within your everyday life at a university, you will soon become the next best organized and structured college student.
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