How to Transition Back to School After a Break

How to help your child transition back to classes

After a needed academic break for the holidays, it can be challenging for your student to get back into the swing of things. Going back to school can be met with a combination of excitement and dread. For the latter, it can be easy to put off doing things that both parents and students are not particularly looking forward to.

That's why we've come up with a few tips to help your student transition back to school and tackle the spring semester with ease!

Get back into your family's routine.

As parents, we set an example for our children all the time and getting back into a routine is no exception. As hard as it may be, getting up at your regular time, getting everyone dressed and ready for the day will make it much easier and smoother to get back into your routine once the holidays have passed.

Create a visual calendar.

Often, we feel uneasy returning to life before the holidays, mainly because we feel disoriented and disorganized, and your child may feel the same, too! Creating a visual calendar comes in handy to help ease anxiety and maintain and keep track of the regular habits of the school year routine. The calendar can include things such as bedtimes, mealtimes, study times, rewards, and anything else that fits into your child's routine. A visual reminder of what is coming next helps parents and students prepare.

Getting a good night's sleep.

Everyone's bedtime routine likely becomes more flexible and relaxed during the holidays. While it may be more difficult at first, ensuring your child gets enough sleep will help them feel rested and ready to get back into their school day.

Stock up on new school supplies.

Having all the proper supplies for going back to school isn't just for the fall. Make sure that your student's supplies are restocked. Plus, it may even help them feel more motivated to get back into the swing of academia.

Trying new activities.

Going back to school isn't just about studying. It's also about learning new skills and improving the ones upon ones your student already has. Schools offer a variety of activities that your student can't take part in, from school clubs, to spring sports and committees. And it doesn't have to be just at the school – a dance class or Sunday volunteer opportunity are still great activities to introduce! After-school activities are also a great way to complement what is taught during the school day. For example, Ivy Camps USA features various 5-week and 15-week classes in which skills such as Public Speaking, Writing, and Math can all be explored. Overall, extra-curricular activities will look great on a high school resume but open students of all ages and grades up to new experiences and help build character and confidence.

The end of the holidays doesn't have to be stressful! Remember these valuable tips to help you and your child get back into the school routine.

Do you have any methods to help get back into the school routine? Let us know! We wish the best for you and your student for the spring semester!

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