Curriculum Options
Choose from a dropdown menu below to preview our program options for students ages 14-18
Public Health
Research a health related topic and create a PSA poster.
Communication + Journalism
Explore various types of media, and podcasting.
Computers + Information Technology
Design and present your own app.
Use your new knowledge to perform a run-through of a patient exam process.
Environmental Science
Participate in Citizen Science, and contribute data for scientific research.
Design a building and create a 3D CAD model.
Follow a case and participate in a mock trial.
General Engineering
Learn what engineers do in their jobs, through an interactive project.
Pitch your business in front of a mock investor to get them to believe in your idea.
Design + Marketing
Build your own custom graphic and digital advertisement.
Aerospace Engineering
Learn about the many ways to investigate and visit outer space.
Develop a deeper understanding of human behavior.
Learn about the different chemical concepts that are present in your everyday life!
Learn pedagogical (teaching) principles, and how to design meaningful lessons.
Leadership Communication
Learn how to effectively make informed decisions and communicate when in leadership positions.
Leadership Development
You will experience what it is like to be a leader through collaborative activities which explore the traits and mindset of a leader.
Life as a College Student
Map out future goals and career plans in order to explore and plan for major and minor selections. You will also explore ways to become involved on campus.
Writing Skills for College Success
Learn strategies to communicate with professors, build a resume, find and cite sources, and find ways to stand out in written expression.
Writing for University Admissions
Grow as an independent thinker, and develop your writing skills to craft a unique and compelling essay which showcases your strengths and achievements.
Standardized Testing Strategies
Learn proven test-taking techniques and strategies. Prepare for your test and advance your skills in reading, writing, math, & science!
Exploring Scholarships
Learn how to locate and complete scholarship applications, and learn effective techniques for scholarship essay writing.
Exploring Internships
Learn the best ways to maximize your internship experience. You will also learn how to demonstrate professionalism in the workplace.
Who am I? Public Speaking and the Art of Interviewing
Learn to understand your own strengths and how to market them in public speaking, written communication, and social media.
Planning Your Future: The Pre-Application Journey
This course helps you make the most of your high school years to create a powerful resume for university acceptance.